Fat Grafting Thousand Oaks

Fat grafting involves injecting your own fat into the face to treat wrinkles and undesirable contours (such as thin lips). Fat can also be injected into other areas of the body in select cases. Your own fat is harvested from the hips, thighs or abdomen. Very little fat is required. The fat is prepared using a technique unique to the Kryger Institute. The fat is then injected into the deeper layers below the skin.


Before & After Photos

Fat Grafting

At the Kryger Institute of Plastic Surgery, we have experience in a vast array of surgical and non-surgical procedures. Click below to see some before and after photos of fat grafting.


Who is a good candidate?

The ideal candidates are women and men who have any of the following:

  • deep wrinkles that do not respond well to Botox (such as nasolabial folds)
  • a desire to improve the shape or size of their lips
  • contour abnormalities such as depressed scars or areas of fat loss
    (such as below the eyelids).

How does fat grafting work?

The fat is harvested from the hips, thighs or abdomen. Very little fat is required. The fat is prepared using a technique unique to the Kryger Institute. The fat is then injected into the deeper layers below the skin.

Will I look like a different person?

Absolutely not. Fat can help mask flaws or irregularities in the skin. The idea is to make you look younger and not to make you look like a different person.

Is the procedure done in the office?

Fat grafting can be done in the office. If you are undergoing other procedures in the operating room, the treatment can be done at the same time.

How long does it take to work and how long does it last?

The results are seen immediately. There is some swelling that can make things look “over-corrected.” This swelling takes a few weeks to resolve. By six months time, only 40-50 percent of the injected fat survives. Since only about half of the injected volume remains long-term, some of the early improvement will be lost over time. Repeat treatments are possible.

How painful are the injections?

Fat harvest and injection requires local anesthesia. Numbing medicine is routinely used. The surgeons at the Kryger Institute are very skilled with nerve blocks used for fat grafting. These blocks significantly reduce the pain associated with these procedures.

What about redness and bruising?

Redness and bruising are minimal and generally resolve within 24-48 hours.

What restrictions are there after fat grafting?

There are minimal restrictions after fat grafting. You should avoid strenuous activity for a few days, but can then resume full activity.

What if I have a problem? When should I call the office?

The Kryger Institute welcomes calls from patients. If you have any concerns at any time, please feel free to call our office. If it is an emergency, the answering service is available 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays. There is always a plastic surgeon on call. Your surgeon will discuss all the risks and potential complications with you before surgery. You will receive detailed instructions about situations that warrant a call to the office.

Meet Our Surgeons

Our surgeons have over a decade of experience in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, and have a record of exceptional results. Learn more about our surgeons or request a consultation.

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